Sunday 31 July 2016

How does Y sound at the start of a word?

You, yellow, yack, yo-yo, yoghurt...  Check out this pic collage we made to show you...

Friday 8 July 2016

100 Day Pary

On 99 days of school (as most of our class were moving on to room 1)  we celebrated 100 days of school early.

We made party hats.  We had to get 10 strips of paper and put 10 dots on each.  That gave us 100 dots on our hats.

We tapped a balloon up 100 times.

We blew our blowers 100 times.

We put 100 stickers on a piece of paper

We ate party food and last of all...

We popped 100 water balloons.

Thursday 7 July 2016

House Event end of Term 2

All events are organised and lead by our senior student leaders.  They have done a great job. So many children having fun!